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Zhejiang Heen 浙江軒 (Hong Kong, CHINA) ★★★★☆

It was supposed to be a nice catch up with Aniram, a good friend of mine whom I have known for more than a decade. In fact, me and her went way back when I first came back to Hong Kong to work, and she was one of my first few (new) friends in the city. We went on quite a few business trips together and stuck by each other through some good and bad times. It's been 3 years since we last met and I was looking forward to seeing her. But I didn't expect it would turn into my farewell dinner for her.

Like many friends who decided to immigrate to another country, Aniram has her story behind, albeit a little bit different from most. It was sad to see her leave but at the same time, I was happy for her on her fresh start. I wish her nothing but the best in her new surroundings. 

Back to our farewell dinner. I made a small mistake when I made the booking at Zhejiang Heen (浙江軒). I meant to have our dinner at Jardin de Jade (蘇浙滙) but thankfully the two places weren't too far apart. 

It wasn't until I sat down that I realized hairy crab season was in full swing. Everybody left and right was having the crab dinner set but both of us were too lazy to even think about ordering crabs.

Xiao Long Bao (灌湯小籠包) – The broth was very flavorful. Not a bad way to start off the meal at all.

Crispy rice cone with minced beef (牛柳粒鍋巴卷) – One of the most interesting items on the menu. These crispy rice cones came with different fillings, including mushrooms, chicken, beef and shrimps. We ordered the one with diced beef and bamboo shoot, which we found fairly tasty. 

San Tsin Bao (生煎包) – Another dim sum.

The pan-fried pork buns were really crispy on the outside and soft inside. 

Crispy deep-fried chicken (脆皮炸子雞) – My old friend's call and not a bad one. The chicken wasn't all that meaty but very juicy and the crispy skin, so irresistible.

Sweetened mash sesame tong yuan (擂沙湯丸) – We just had enough room for one dessert, glutinous rice balls.

The runny black sesame paste in the middle worked so well with the thin wrapper.

It wasn't the easiest moment to say goodbye to Aniram when we left the building, knowing quite well that it could be the last time I saw her. We took a couple of photos together on the street before she disappeared into the dark. Another day, and another friend leaving this city. The feeling couldn't be worse.

Food Rating: 6/10
Price: $$$$
Address: 1/F-3/F, ZJ 300, 300-306 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Closest Metro Station: Wanchai
Tel: +852 2877-9011
Opening Hours: 11:30am - 3:30pm, 5:30pm - 10:30pm daily

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