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Mother Moo

 I realized that my post title may imply that I'm going to write about the Time magazine cover this week, but I'm not touching that one with a ten foot pole. 

Instead, I'm going to write about something we all love very much in my house - ice cream (or, as little calls it, I-Keem).  After swim lessons in Sierra Madre last week, we stopped at Mother Moo, a new little artisan ice cream shop in Kersting Court.  Check out the menu board . . . I didn't try the avocado or celery and later wished I had!

I loved the open ice cream kitchen in the shop, the "real" tasting spoons and drinking cups (not plastic or styrofoam), the fact that they use organic ingredients and the Salty Chocolate ice cream.  There are signs in the store about classes on making preserves which was interesting.

My girls gave it two thumbs up.  Next time, we're going to check out Carmela.

If you're in the area, give it a try!
17 Kersting Court, Sierra Madre, CA

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