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Man Of Fifty Years

Michael turned 50 this week. I know, crazy!
 A few months ago when I asked him what he wanted to do for his 50th he said that he wanted a birthday dinner to be "Roasted" by friends. Only my husband would want to be "Roasted!" Anyway, the planning began. We contacted high school friends, college friends, ex girlfriends (yup,) and those who have been in Michael's life the longest who would guarantee a good "Roasting!" 

We had 7 people fly in from out of town who all stayed in a rental thanks to airbnb.com. Is that not the BEST thing ever invented? It was nice to have them all in one place, and of course I got in early to make sure they all had welcome baskets! I love a good welcome basket! Each basket included......
Fiji water
Roasted almonds
Blueberry breakfast bars
Chocolate covered pomegranite seeds
Blondie brownies
and I made sure all the packaging was a shade of blue.

A good friend recommended a quaint little Italian restaurant (Café Trastevere) for the "Roast," and they agreed to give us the upstairs dining area to ourselves, so that's where we had the party. 

And it was a BLAST!

The party was a success!
Michael had the time of his life, and I think everyone else had fun too.
Check out the "Host with the most" (below) while friends were at our house the following day.

Yup! Love that guy! Not as easy to recover when you're 50 I guess. I wouldn't know. ( :

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