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Gasland Death Race Mustang Homage

I love the film Death race (and the other 2 straight to DVDs sequels). So when I discovered Gaslands it was a given I needed to have some kind of death race Mustang.
The search began......

After fruitless searches for the right model mustang (only found one in a set of 10 and didnt need the rest of the others) my son discovered a pile of hot wheels cars under his bed. There like a shiny gold totem was a mustang close enough in model to the one I wanted!! Now the negotiations began with my 4 year old. I traded him 2 new hot wheels cars for the mustang.
Now came the designing part . I asked for helpon the Gaslands Facebook group and the maker of the best death race mustang  I've seen very kindly sent me his working photos he had researched.

I had plenty of pics to work from now. I knew I would never make an exact replica as my skills are not that great but inwould give it a good to. I had some craft foam left over from making my dice tray so decided to use this as armour plating (after a quick test to make sure it can be spray painted).

I cut individual sections out and tried to get them match as best I can.

For the mini guns I was never gonna be able to make them soni ordered some matching scale ones.   Only one fit on the bonnet instead of the 2 fron the movie car.  Still looks good I think

I also added some foam to create the bonnet vent look the car has.
Now it was off to be undercoated

All set to be sprayed

The colour scheme is super simple.  Black with red racing stripes and the edges of the armour plating . A coat of black on top of the black primer and 2 red stripes added.  Then dry brushed metallic paint over the car.  I think it looks great from tabletop distance.

What do you guys think?

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