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Coffee Conversations: Pay It Forward

I just saw this movie entitled 'Pay it Forward' and it is so amazing! The movie propagates the movement called Paying it Forward: If one person helps three people per day, the three other people will do the same, as well as those who were helped and the list goes on and on. It will spark a helping phenomenon and eventually, it will change the world. This is such a compelling movie and it will truly bring your consciousness to a whole new level so please, watch it. :)

A lot of people want to help and are into the habit of helping others and that's good! However, the reality is, most people would only help when it is convenient and when it doesn't require them to go out of their way and leave their comfort zone. 

You don't have to be a billionaire nor have a single centavo in your pocket to help. You could give way to a person who's in a hurry, give an authentic smile to your building's resident security guard to brighten up his/her day, or tap a co- worker's shoulder and say "You can do it!" Clearly, those helpful deeds aren't so big and didn't require a single penny to do, right? You see, the opportunity to help is always there, but only if you choose to see it. So go ahead and pay it forward. The person you have helped may not be able to return the favor quickly but always believe, God counts all your good deeds. :)

Have a blessed week ahead. :)

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